Beam Central Vacuum Motor 119992

Beam Central Vacuum Motor 119992

Beam Central Vacuum Motor 119992 Beam Central Vacuum Motor 119992

Beam Central Vacuum Motor 119992

  • Beam central vacuum motor replacement for 119992-00, could be replace by 122304-00
  • Both motors are identical in terms of conception
  • 120 volts, 15 amps max
  • Tangential bypass motor
  • Made by Lamb Ametek
  • 5.7" diameter and 2 stages
  • 141" H20, 126 CFM, 577AW
  • Fits Beam central vacuum systems: Beam 275A, Beam 375A, Beam SC225A, Beam SC225C, Beam SC275A, Beam SC275C, Beam SC325A, Beam SC325C, Beam SC375A, Beam SC375B, Beam SC375C, Beam SC3700A, Beam BM375A, Beam PU201A, Beam PU503A, Beam SC300A, Eureka CV6500, Electrolux PU3650, Electroluc PU3450A, Honeywell H503, Honeywell H603, Honeywell H703, Imperium PU300A, Imperium PU375A, PowerStar PS505, PowerStar PS705

249.95 $CAD

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