Carpet and Upholstery Stain Remover 33,8 oz (1 L) Attax Pro

Carpet and Upholstery Stain Remover 33,8 oz (1 L) Attax Pro

Carpet and Upholstery Stain Remover

Carpet and Upholstery Stain Remover 33,8 oz (1 L) Attax Pro

Attax Pro ATX5492 is designed for use with steam or hot water carpet soil extractors. A perfect combination of a powerful cleaning agent, a stain remover agent, a defoamer, a deodorizer, and a stain retardant. ATX5492 also contains built-in optical brighteners, which restores the natural beauty of carpets. Spring flowers scent.

9.99 $CAD

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