HD925 Commercial Central Vacuum
Central vacuum HD Model HD925 (AITLHD925A)
Ideal for homes up to 6500 sq ft
120 Volts and 14.5 Amps device
625 Airwatts motor power
161.5 inches H2O suction power
116 CFM
1-stage Ametek motor
Extended lifespan motor
Display with hour counter
Dimensions: 39.1 inches Height x 14.1 inches Width
Hybrid filtration system with or without dust recovery bag
Certified self-cleaning HEPA filter
HEPA exhaust filter that filters carbon brush dust (TDFILHEN)
Optionally uses electrostatic fabric HEPA bags TDSAC93
4 Gallons (23.3L) dust tank
Sound level of 65 decibels
Parts guaranteed for 15 years or 750 hours
Labor guaranteed for 5 years
Made in Canada
1050.95 $CAD
Additional Informations:
The HD 925 is the most powerful single motor central vacuum on the market!
With only one motor, its suction power of 161.5" H2O makes this vacuum the only one in its category!
Additionally, it operates on 120V, so it can be plugged into a standard 120V power outlet without any problem!