Kenmore Vacuum Bags

Kenmore Vacuum Bags

Kenmore Type E 5023 5033 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Kenmore Type E 5023 & 5033 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Kenmore canister vacuum cleaner bags for 5023 & 5033
  • Part # 340JV 129SW 405566 020500060000 609196 20-5033 20-5023
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore canisters vacuum cleaners 5023 and 5033, Kenmore type E, 609169, 5023 & 5033, 2260, 2289, 2290, 2291, 2294, 2295, 2297, 2390, 2440, 2450, 2460, 2470, 2489, 2493, 2495, 2550, 2560, 2587, 2593, 2298, 2299, 2388, 2391, 2395, 2488, 2491, 2495, 2499, 2581, 2585, 2591, 2595, 2597, 2599, 116.29992, 116.2397182, 116.2839980, 116.29974, 116.2160180, 116.2299281

7.95 $CAD

Kenmore Type P 5011 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Kenmore Type P 5011 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Kenmore type P 5011 canister vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # 405558 5011-9 02050000000 20-5011 20-5001 127SW 38JV
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with all Kenmore canisters with 5011, 5001 and type P vacuum bags, 609188

7.99 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type C Type Q 5055 50558

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type C Type Q 5055 50558 50403

  • Kenmore Sears canister vacuum cleaner bags for Kenmore 5055 50557 50558 50403 and Kenmore type C and type Q
  • Part # 9X3055ECM 3055ECM 137-9 464724 A137 50557 50558 50410 50403 02050002000 609226
  • Available in package of 3 and 9 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore canisters vacuum cleaners with 5055, 50557, 50558, type C, C5, C19, type Q bags, Kenmore 50410, Kenmore 50403, 116.20612003, 116.20512003, 116-25614506, 116-2971390, 116-29713990, 116-29713991, 116-29713992, 116-29713994, 116-29713995 ,116-29713996, 116-29714001, 116.20712007, 116.21514010, 116.21612001, 116.22613200, 116.22813205, 116.25512506, 116.25614, 116.25614506, 116.25615500, 116.25615504, 116.25615506, 116.26512690, 116.27085790, 116.27914, 116.27915, 116.27515700, 116.27614700, 116.27814701, 116.28014700, 116.28015700, 116.28614801, 116.29712990, 116.29914900, 116-22313200, 116-24212401, 116.21212001, 116.21513001, 116.22312, 116.22513202, 116.22612201, 116.23513300, 116.26212, 116.26312601, 116.27212, 116.21875100, 116.23912300, 116.24614400, 116.25512506, 116.25812500, 116.31150311, 116.59812991, 116.21614014, 116.23107, 116.23107C, 20390, 20400, 20410, 20430, 20450, 21400, 21401, 21430, 21435, 21450, 21480, 21484, 21485, 22143, 22145, 22345, 22348, 22350, 22450, 22551, 23045, 23143, 23243, 23350, 23450, 23451, 23458, 23551, 23554, 23651, 23751, 23851, 23854, 23954, 23651, 23751, 23851, 24255, 24310, 24320, 24231, 24325, 24326, 24327, 24350, 24390, 24410, 24971, 24975, 24981, 24991, 24992, 25430, 26320, 26325, 26355, 26390, 26395, 26452, 26455, 26535, 27435, 27455, 28355, 28390, 28393, 28395, 28410, 28430, 28450, 29414, 29415, 29430, 29435, 29459, 116.29512991, 116.23106800c, 116.2399182, 620-23002, 116.20712000, 116.51614015, 116.22812203, 116.29914901, 116.20612007, 116.21614010, 116.2355490, 116.2511290, 151.23600610, 116.27612690, 116.21514012 C44ZDUD10U00, 116.27115003C-C44ZBFU10K00, 116.2461290, 116.29319215, 116.29312990, 116.29812990, 116.25614500, 116.2521290, 116.2641080, 116.2641081, Kenmore 4.1 With Powermate 116.2641082, 116.2641380, 116.2641381, 116.2641382, 116.2641383, 116.2641384, 116.2643081, 116.2643083, 116.2643580, 116.2643582, 116.22612200, 116.23813300, 116.28612790, 116.27512790, 116.20813003, 116.22400200C, 116.27915702, 116.23107800C C44ZDGH00K00, 116.24212404, 116.26212604, 116.81714510, 125.21814610, 116.29229213, Kenmore BC4002, BC4026, Kenmore 28014 Intuition, Magicord
  • Also compatible with Panasonic vacuum cleaners using C-5 C5 vacuum cleaner bags

Please select a valid option.

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type H 5041 5045

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type H 5041 & 5045

  • Kenmore type H 5041-5045 upright vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # 115SW 422495 KER-14455 20-5041 205041 20-5045 205045 02050001000 609218
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with all Kenmore uprights featuring type H, 5041 and 5045 bags, 20035, 20350, 20395, 21040, 203040, 24025, 23040, 24031, 24200, 24203, 24205, 24300, 25170, 25250, 25300, 25320, 26350, 26355, 27320, 28320, 28350, 29035, 29200, 116.2403180

9.95 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type L 5065 50651

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type L 5065 & 50651

  • Kenmore 5065-50651 and type L upright vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # 117SW 3065JV 20-50651 50651 20-50655, 2050655 D320 M50651 
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore upright vacuum cleaner models: Kenmore models featuring type L, 5065 and 50651 bags, Kenmore Heavy Duty Plus 39661, 50651, 116.3916480 116.3916580 116.3937283 116.3957582 116.3966180 116.3966282c 203.966180 50651
  • Also compatible with Whirlpool vacuum cleaner models: Whirlpool type L, Whirlpool U, U-1, FV 2000, FV 4000, FV6000, FV8000

11.95 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type U Type O 50501 50680

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type U Type O 50501 50680 50688 50690

  • Kenmore 50680 50688 50690 50501 and Kenmore type U, type O upright vacuum cleaner bags
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore upright vacuum cleaner models: Kenmore featuring 50680, 50688, 50690 50501 and Kenmore type U, type O, Kenmore Intelliclean, Kenmore Progressive, 30412, 30512, 30612, 30912, 31069, 31912, 31140, 31913, 32212, 32213, 32512, 32728, 32729 ,32734, 32735, 23902, 32903, 32912, 32913, 32920, 32921, 33720, 33721, 33725, 33726, 33912, 33913, 33920, 33921, 33922, 36721, 36922, 36923, 36932, 36933 35623 35725, 35726, 32820, 35821, 35922, 325923, 36622, 36623, 36720, 116.31150310, 116.31913103, 116.35923500, Kenmore Elite 02031150000 Model # 31150, 125.31150610, 116.31069110, 116.32189203, 721.33079, 721.33079400, 721.33078, 116.36622, 116.36623, 116.36212690, 116.36212690C, 116.31150310, 116.31150311, 116.31150312, 116.31150313, 125.31150610 Kenmore 31150, 116.31100903, 116.31189100, BU4018, BU4020, BU4021, BU4022, BU4023, 721.35079500, 116.35623400, 116.36612690, 116.35923502, 116.38912890, 116.38912892
  • Also compatible with Panasonic vacuum cleaner models: Type U-2, MC-117PF, MC-E40 Uprights, Panasonic MC-E50 Uprights, Panasonic MC-E400, MC-499
  • Also compatible with Miele upright vacuum cleaner models: Type Z, S170i S170 à S179, S185 PowerHouse Uprights
  • Also compatible with Sanyo vacuum cleaner models: Sanyo PU-1, tous les modèles commencant par SC-A et SC-U

11.95 $CAD

Kenmore Type B Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Kenmore Type B Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Kenmore type B canister vacuum cleaner bags for Kenmore Galaxy models
  • Part # 85003 634875 226 20-24196 24196 02053278000 115.2496210
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore canister Galaxy series, Straight Extra Suction Canisters with type B vacuum bags, 24196, 115.2496210
  • Same as Bissel ZING 4122 (820)

12.95 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type C Type Q 5055 50558

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type C Type Q 5055 50558 50403 HEPA

  • Kenmore Sears HEPA canister vacuum cleaner bags for Kenmore 5055 50557 50558 50403 and Kenmore type C and type Q
  • Part # 3055H A137JV 464724 A137 50557 50558 50410 50403 02050002000 609226
  • Package of 3 HEPA vacuum bags 
  • HEPA filtration certified, Efficiency up to 99.97%
  • Ideal for people suffering from asthma and allergies
  • Compatible with Kenmore canisters vacuum cleaners with 5055, 50557, 50558, type C, C5, C19, type Q bags, Kenmore 50410, Kenmore 50403, 116.20612003, 116.20512003, 116-25614506, 116-2971390, 116-29713990, 116-29713991, 116-29713992, 116-29713994, 116-29713995 ,116-29713996, 116-29714001, 116.20712007, 116.21514010, 116.21612001, 116.22613200, 116.22813205, 116.25512506, 116.25614, 116.25614506, 116.25615500, 116.25615504, 116.25615506, 116.26512690, 116.27085790, 116.27914, 116.27915, 116.27515700, 116.27614700, 116.27814701, 116.28014700, 116.28015700, 116.28614801, 116.29712990, 116.29914900, 116-22313200, 116-24212401, 116.21212001, 116.21513001, 116.22312, 116.22513202, 116.22612201, 116.23513300, 116.26212, 116.26312601, 116.27212, 116.21875100, 116.23912300, 116.24614400, 116.25512506, 116.25812500, 116.31150311, 116.59812991, 116.21614014, 116.23107, 116.23107C, 20390, 20400, 20410, 20430, 20450, 21400, 21401, 21430, 21435, 21450, 21480, 21484, 21485, 22143, 22145, 22345, 22348, 22350, 22450, 22551, 23045, 23143, 23243, 23350, 23450, 23451, 23458, 23551, 23554, 23651, 23751, 23851, 23854, 23954, 23651, 23751, 23851, 24255, 24310, 24320, 24231, 24325, 24326, 24327, 24350, 24390, 24410, 24971, 24975, 24981, 24991, 24992, 25430, 26320, 26325, 26355, 26390, 26395, 26452, 26455, 26535, 27435, 27455, 28355, 28390, 28393, 28395, 28410, 28430, 28450, 29414, 29415, 29430, 29435, 29459, 116.29512991, 116.23106800c, 116.2399182, 620-23002, 116.20712000, 116.51614015, 116.22812203, 116.29914901, 116.20612007, 116.21614010, 116.2355490, 116.2511290, 151.23600610, 116.27612690, 116.21514012 C44ZDUD10U00, 116.27115003C-C44ZBFU10K00, 116.2461290, 116.29319215, 116.29312990, 116.29812990, 116.25614500, 116.2521290, 116.2641080, 116.2641081, Kenmore 4.1 With Powermate 116.2641082, 116.2641380, 116.2641381, 116.2641382, 116.2641383, 116.2641384, 116.2643081, 116.2643083, 116.2643580, 116.2643582, 116.22612200, 116.23813300, 116.28612790, 116.27512790, 116.20813003, 116.22400200C, 116.27915702, 116.23107800C C44ZDGH00K00, 116.24212404, 116.26212604, 116.81714510, 125.21814610, 116.29229213, Kenmore BC4002, BC4026, Kenmore 28014 Intuition, Magicord
  • Also compatible with Panasonic vacuum cleaners using C-5 C5 vacuum cleaner bags

12.95 $CAD

Kenmore Central Vacuum Bags Paper 50500

Kenmore Central Vacuum Bags Paper 50500

  • Kenmore central vacuum paper bags compatible with all plastic and metal canister models
  • Part # 50500 50601 110360 395ECM B69360 BA90610 20-50500 478369 20-50601
  • Package of 3 Paper bags
  • Capacity: 6 Gallons
  • Compatible with all Kenmore central vacuum systems made in a plastic casing and also with a metal casing: 50455 2050455 20-50455 50500 20-50500 2050500 S107-50601 S107-34088 S107-34089 S107-34087 S107-34090 175.8690390 478369 34604 108-34643 and many other models

14.95 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type M 51195 Magic Blue 50400

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type M 51195 Magic Blue 50400

  • Kenmore Magic Blue 51195 and Type M and 50400 canister vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # 51195 203 02050101000 02050101000 50101 
  • Package of 8 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore Magic Blue 51195 type M and 50400 canister vacuum cleaners, 21195 21295, 24195, Magic Blue DX 721.21195000, 721.23295200, 721.21195000, 721. 23295200, 721.24195400, 721.24195S, 721.21295000, 721.23195200, 721.24195500, 721.24195501,721.24195500

16.95 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type I 50570

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type I 50570

  • Kenmore 50570 and type I canister vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # 3057ECM 202 50570 20-50570 2050570 54327 471550 28075 609315 02050100000
  • Package of 8 bags
  • Compatible with all Kenmore canisters featuring 50570 bags and type I bags, Kenmore Ultra Care
  • Same as Panasonic C-13 vacuum cleaner bags


19.95 $CAD

Kenmore Central Vacuum Bags HEPA 50500

Kenmore Central Vacuum Bags HEPA 50500

  • Kenmore central vacuum HEPA bags for all plastic and metal models along the years
  • Part # 50500 50601 110360 395H B69360 BA90610 20-50500 478369 20-50601
  • Package of 3 HEPA vacuum bags
  • Compatible with all Kenmore central vacuum systems made in a plastic casing and also with a metal casing: 50455 2050455 20-50455 50500 20-50500 2050500 S107-50601 S107-34088 S107-34089 S107-34087 S107-34090 175.8690390 478369 34604 108-34643 and many other models

19.95 $CAD

Kenmore Magic Blue Vacuum Cleaner bags Type M

Kenmore Magic Blue Vacuum Cleaner bags Type M

  • Kenmore 51195 Magic Blue Vacuum Cleaner Bags
  • Part # 401ECM 203 BA51195
  • Package of 8 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Kenmore canister vacuum cleaner models: Kenmore Magic Blue
  • Also compatible with LG canister vacuum cleaners models:
  • LG LG401
  • LG 51195 Magic Blue
  • LG 50400

19.95 $CAD

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type C Type Q 5055 50558

Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type C Type Q 5055 50558 50403 Genuine HEPA

  • Genuine Kenmore Sears HEPA canister vacuum cleaner bags for Kenmore 5055 50557 50558 50403 and Kenmore type C and type Q
  • Part # 3055H A137JV 464724 A137 50557 50558 50410 50403 02050002000 609226
  • Package of 6 HEPA vacuum bags 
  • HEPA filtration certified, Efficiency up to 99.97%
  • Ideal for people suffering from asthma and allergies
  • Compatible with Kenmore canisters vacuum cleaners with 5055, 50557, 50558, type C, C5, C19, type Q bags, Kenmore 50410, Kenmore 50403, 116.20612003, 116.20512003, 116-25614506, 116-2971390, 116-29713990, 116-29713991, 116-29713992, 116-29713994, 116-29713995 ,116-29713996, 116-29714001, 116.20712007, 116.21514010, 116.21612001, 116.22613200, 116.22813205, 116.25512506, 116.25614, 116.25614506, 116.25615500, 116.25615504, 116.25615506, 116.26512690, 116.27085790, 116.27914, 116.27915, 116.27515700, 116.27614700, 116.27814701, 116.28014700, 116.28015700, 116.28614801, 116.29712990, 116.29914900, 116-22313200, 116-24212401, 116.21212001, 116.21513001, 116.22312, 116.22513202, 116.22612201, 116.23513300, 116.26212, 116.26312601, 116.27212, 116.21875100, 116.23912300, 116.24614400, 116.25512506, 116.25812500, 116.31150311, 116.59812991, 116.21614014, 116.23107, 116.23107C, 20390, 20400, 20410, 20430, 20450, 21400, 21401, 21430, 21435, 21450, 21480, 21484, 21485, 22143, 22145, 22345, 22348, 22350, 22450, 22551, 23045, 23143, 23243, 23350, 23450, 23451, 23458, 23551, 23554, 23651, 23751, 23851, 23854, 23954, 23651, 23751, 23851, 24255, 24310, 24320, 24231, 24325, 24326, 24327, 24350, 24390, 24410, 24971, 24975, 24981, 24991, 24992, 25430, 26320, 26325, 26355, 26390, 26395, 26452, 26455, 26535, 27435, 27455, 28355, 28390, 28393, 28395, 28410, 28430, 28450, 29414, 29415, 29430, 29435, 29459, 116.29512991, 116.23106800c, 116.2399182, 620-23002, 116.20712000, 116.51614015, 116.22812203, 116.29914901, 116.20612007, 116.21614010, 116.2355490, 116.2511290, 151.23600610, 116.27612690, 116.21514012 C44ZDUD10U00, 116.27115003C-C44ZBFU10K00, 116.2461290, 116.29319215, 116.29312990, 116.29812990, 116.25614500, 116.2521290, 116.2641080, 116.2641081, Kenmore 4.1 With Powermate 116.2641082, 116.2641380, 116.2641381, 116.2641382, 116.2641383, 116.2641384, 116.2643081, 116.2643083, 116.2643580, 116.2643582, 116.22612200, 116.23813300, 116.28612790, 116.27512790, 116.20813003, 116.22400200C, 116.27915702, 116.23107800C C44ZDGH00K00, 116.24212404, 116.26212604, 116.81714510, 125.21814610, 116.29229213, Kenmore BC4002, BC4026, Kenmore 28014 Intuition, Magicord
  • Also compatible with Panasonic vacuum cleaners using C-5 C5 vacuum cleaner bags

19.99 $CAD

Kenmore Upright Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type O 50510

Kenmore Upright Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type O 50510

  • Kenmore Upright Vacuum Bags 50510 20-50510 53294 KC16KCMPZ000
  • Part # 3068H6 50510 20-50510 53293 53294 KC16KCMPZ000 50690 A159
  • Package of 6 vacuum bags 
  • HEPA certified, 99.97% filtraiton efficiency
  • Asthma and allergies friendly
  • Compatible with Kenmore vacuum cleaner models: 31140 31150 BU1005 BU1018, 5068, 50688, 50690, Elite 31150, 31140
  • Also compatible with Panasonic upright vacuum cleaners that use Type U-2 and Type U-10 bags

22.95 $CAD

Kenmore Type X 5067 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Kenmore Type X 5067 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Kenmore 5067 50678 and type X upright vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # 3067JV BA265 11632265 11632275 116345
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with all Kenmore uprights featuring 5067 bags and type X vacuum bags, 11632265 11632275 116345

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