Electrolux Vacuum Bags

Electrolux Vacuum Bags

Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner S-Bag Type OX HEPA

Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner S-Bag Type OX HEPA

  • Electrolux SBag Classic vacuum cleaner generic HEPA bags
  • Part # EL200B, EL200C, EL200D, EL200E, EL200F 135H A135 EL201
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags 
  • HEPA filtration certified
  • Compatible with all Electrolux canister vacuum cleaner models: 6500 series, 69900 series, CV140 series, Harmony, Oxygen, Oxygen 3, Ultra Silencer, ErgoSpace, UltraOne, 6500A, 6510A, 6975A, 6975B, 6978A, 6978B, 6878B-1, 6978B-2, 6980A, 6982A, 6982D, 6983A, 6984A, 6984A-1, 6990A, 6991A, 6992A, 6993A, 6993B, 6993B-1, 6994A, 6995A, 6997A, 6998A, 6999A, EL4042A, EL4103A, EL6985A, EL6985AZ, EL6985B, EL6985BZ, EL6986A, EL6988A, EL6988BZ, EL6988D, EL6988E, EL6988EZ, EL6988EZX, EL6989A, EL6989AZ, EL4100A, EL4200A, EL7000A, EL7001A, EL7005A, EL7020A, EL7020B, EL7020BZ, EL7024A, EL7025A, EL7060A, EL7061A, EL7062A, EL7063A, EL7066A, EL7070A, Electrolux JetMaxx EL4040A EL4042A

10.95 $CAD

Electrolux Aptitude Oxygen Vacuum Cleaner Bags EL204B

Electrolux Aptitude Oxygen Vacuum Cleaner Bags EL204B

  • Electrolux EL204B upright vacuum cleaner bags for Aptitude and Oxyge series vacuum models
  • Part # EL204B 21-2450-06 EL204B-4 EXR-1427 208ECM 61525
  • Package of 5 vacuum cleaner bags
  • Compatible with Electrolux upright vacuum models: Electrolux Aptitude series, Electrolux Oxygen upright series, Electrolux EL5010
  • Also compatible with Eureka Style DX bags and Eureka 6230 upright vacuum series

12.99 $CAD

Electrolux Renaissance Guardian Type R Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Electrolux Renaissance Guardian Type R Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Electrolux type R canister vacuum cleaner paper bags for Renaissance and Guardian models
  • Part # 48806 807C 26-2449-01 EXR-1490 48808 440671
  • Package of 6 type R bags
  • Compatible with all type R Electrolux vacuum cleaners, Renaissance and Guardian models, EPIC 8000, Aerus Electrolux Lux 9000, C134A, C134B, C134E, C154B, C134C, C154E, C134D, C134F, C154A, C104A, and C104H

14.95 $CAD

Electrolux Central Vacuum Bags Paper

Electrolux Central Vacuum Bags Paper

  • Electrolux central vacuum systems paper bags
  • Part # 110360 CV1 CV2 395ECM B69076 EL69360 B69360 413985 4462 68722A B69056
  • Package of 3 central vacuum bags
  • Capacity: 6 Gallons
  • Compatible with all Electrolux central vacuum systems and models 1521 1580 159 CV91A CV3291 CV3391A CV3391D E130A E130F E117A ECV1590A EDV1690A, 280, 550, 600, 650, 700, 910, 920, 930, BM160, BM180, BM260, CV3010, CV3272, CV3290, ECV860, ECV870, PU3450, ZCV790, ZCV840, ZCV850, ZCV860, ZCV870, ZCV900, ZCV910, ZCV920, ZXCV780
  • Also compatible with all central vacuum models from brands listed here: Aspirtech, Beam, Eureka, Electrolux, EasyFlo, Kenmore, Nilfisk and more
  • NOT COMPATIBLE with models with 2 holes adaptors in the canister

15.95 $CAD

Electrolux Type C Canister Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Electrolux Type C Canister Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Electrolux portable canister vacuum cleaner bags
  • Package of 12 bags
  • Compatible with all Electrolux canisters featuring type C bags, C141A, C141F, C152F, C101A, C101G, C101H, C101J, C101L, 151D, C151G, C141B, C141D, C151B, 1623, 2100, 90, 1677, 2000, 6000, C102A, C102D, C102G, C102J, C153C, C153D, C101K, C141C, C141E, C141G, C152C, C102K, C153A, 6500, 6500SR, Guardian Ultra

18.95 $CAD

Electrolux Central Vacuum Bags HEPA

Electrolux Central Vacuum Bags HEPA

  • Electrolux HEPA high efficiency cloth bags for central vacuum systems
  • Part # 110360 CV1 CV2 395ECM 395H B69076 EL69360 B69360 413985 4462 68722A B69056
  • Package of 3 HEPA central vacuum bags
  • HEPA filtration certified
  • Capacity 6 Gallons
  • Compatible with all Electrolux central vacuum systems and models 1521 1580 159 CV91A CV3291 CV3391A CV3391D E130A E130F E117A ECV1590A EDV1690A, 280, 550, 600, 650, 700, 910, 920, 930, BM160, BM180, BM260, CV3010, CV3272, CV3290, ECV860, ECV870, PU3450, ZCV790, ZCV840, ZCV850, ZCV860, ZCV870, ZCV900, ZCV910, ZCV920, ZXCV780
  • Also compatible with all central vacuum models from brands listed here: Aspirtech, Beam, Eureka, Electrolux, EasyFlo, Kenmore, Nilfisk and more
  • NOT COMPATIBLE with models with 2 holes adaptors in the canister

19.95 $CAD

Electrolux CV-2 Central Vacuum Bags

Electrolux CV-2 Central Vacuum Bags

  • Beam Electrolux Eureka and Kenmore CV-2 central vacuum bags
  • Part # 440H B69076 EL69076 CV2 CV-2
  • Package of 3 central vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Beam Electrolux Eureka and Kenmore central vacuum models listed here and many other models: Beam 160 Beam 165 Beam 185 Beam 262 Beam 265 Beam 282 Beam BA650 Beam BA675 Beam BA700 Electrolux EX600 Electrolux EX700 Electrolux QC600 Electrolux SC380 Eureka CV1004D Eureka CV1801Q Eureka CV2104C Eureka CV3120D Eureka CV3121E Eureka CV3291HP Eureka CV3391G Eureka ECV5300 Eureka ECV5600 Kenmore 5107 series
  • Also compatible with these brands of central vacuum systems: ACV, Broan, Cana-Vac, CycloVac, Hoover, Johnny Vac, MVac, Nutone, Rhino Vac, Venmar, and other brands

19.95 $CAD

Electrolux Type U Upright Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Electrolux Type U Upright Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Electrolux type U upright vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # EL326 138FPC 12X26JV 12X26ECM 138 138FPJV
  • Package of 12 type U vacuum bags
  • Compatible with all type U upright vacuum cleaners by Electrolux, models 1770, U112A, U112B, U112C, 1719, U110A, U110B, U110P, U155D, U155C, U110Y, U147A, U147D, U155A, U155B, 2500, 2500SR, 3000, 3500, 3500SR, 3000SR, D2, D3, DIII, DII, 4000, 6000, U140B, U140C, U156A, U147E, 147F, 1717C, 1747, U111A, U136B, U160A, U139A, Aerus, Discovery, Regency, Epic, Advantage, Genesis, 3000, 6000, 4000, Commercial, Xtreme, and Prolux Uprights

19.95 $CAD

Electrolux EL201 S-Bags Vacuum Cleaner Bags HEPA

Electrolux EL201 S-Bags Vacuum Cleaner Bags HEPA

  • Genuine Electrolux S-Bags vacuum cleaner bags EL201
  • Part # EL201
  • Package of 5 vacuum bags 
  • 99.9% Efficiency
  • HEPA filtration certified
  • Compatible with Electrolux EL7020 series of vacuum cleaners Ultra One, Ultra Silencer, Maximus, Harmony, Versatility, Ergospace, Oxygen and Oxygen 3 Canister vacuums, 6500 series, 69900 series, CV140 series, 6500A, 6510A, 6975A, 6975B, 6978A, 6978B, 6878B-1, 6978B-2, 6980A, 6982A, 6982D, 6983A, 6984A, 6984A-1, 6990A, 6991A, 6992A, 6993A, 6993B, 6993B-1, 6994A, 6995A, 6997A, 6998A, 6999A, EL4042A, EL4103A, EL6985A, EL6985AZ, EL6985B, EL6985BZ, EL6986A, EL6988A, EL6988BZ, EL6988D, EL6988E, EL6988EZ, EL6988EZX, EL6989A, EL6989AZ, EL4100A, EL4200A, EL7000A, EL7001A, EL7005A, EL7020A, EL7020B, EL7020BZ, EL7024A, EL7025A, EL7060A, EL7061A, EL7062A, EL7063A, EL7066A, EL7070A, Electrolux JetMaxx EL4040A EL4042A

19.95 $CAD

Aerus Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type P HEPA

Aerus Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner Bags Type P HEPA

  • Aerus and Electrolux Lux Guardian Platinium replacement bags Type P HEPA
  • Part # ER-1498 405278
  • Package of 10 bags
  • H12 HEPA certified quality
  • Compatible with Aerus Lux Guardian Platinium vacuum cleaner

22.99 $CAD

Electrolux Central Vacuum Bags Dual Port HEPA 69057

Electrolux Central Vacuum Bags Dual Port HEPA 69057

  • Electrolux HEPA central vacuum bags for models with 2 holes (2 bag adaptors) and Atlis 2 models
  • This bag has 2 holes to fit in both adaptors and collect dust and debris from the 2 adaptors at the same time
  • Part # EL69057 B69057 110057 395N2 69057 110073
  • Package of 3 HEPA central vacuum bags
  • HEPA filtration certified
  • Compatible with Electrolux central vacuum models: PU3650 PU3900, Atlis 2
  • Also compatible with Beam central vacuum models: SC300A 225C 275C 295C 325C 375C 395C 3500C 3700A 3900A SC225 SC275 SC295 SC325 SC375 SC395 SC3500 SC3700 SC3900 SC300, Beam Atlis

24.95 $CAD

Electrolux EL211 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

Electrolux EL211 Vacuum Cleaner Bags

  • Electrolux EL211 Ultra Long Performance vacuum cleaner bags
  • Part # EL211
  • Package of 3 vacuum bags
  • Compatible with Electrolux vacuum models: Electrolux EL7020, Ultra One, Ultra Silencer, Maximus, Harmony, Versatility, Ergospace, Oxygen et Oxygen 3, 6500 series, 69900 series, CV140 series,6500A, 6510A, 6975A, 6975B, 6978A, 6978B, 6878B-1, 6978B-2, 6980A, 6982A, 6982D, 6983A, 6984A, 6984A-1, 6990A, 6991A, 6992A, 6993A, 6993B, 6993B-1, 6994A, 6995A, 6997A, 6998A, 6999A, EL4042A, EL4103A, EL6985A, EL6985AZ, EL6985B, EL6985BZ, EL6986A, EL6988A, EL6988BZ, EL6988D, EL6988E, EL6988EZ, EL6988EZX, EL6989A, EL6989AZ, EL4100A, EL4200A, EL7000A, EL7001A, EL7005A, EL7020A, EL7020B, EL7020BZ, EL7024A, EL7025A, EL7060A, EL7061A, EL7062A, EL7063A, EL7066A, EL7070A, Electrolux JetMaxx EL4040A EL4042A
  • Also compatible with Eureka vacuum cleaner models: Eureka CV140 6500 series 6510 series 6990 series
  • Also compatible with Sanitarie vacuum cleaner models: Sanitaire PE6985 SP6950

24.95 $CAD

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