Vacpan Easy Install Kit with Flexible Hose and Adaptor

Vacpan Easy Install Kit with Flexible Hose and Adaptor

Vacpan Easy Install Kit with Vacpan Easy Install Kit with

Vacpan Easy Install Kit with Flexible Hose and Adaptor

Central vacuum system automatic dust pan easy installation kit with flexible hose and built-in adaptor compatible with Vacpan. This kit allows easy installation of Vacpan inlet valves under cabinets in the kitchen or bathroom.

  • Easy installation kit for Vacpan central vacuum dust pans
  • Includes 2 clamps
  • Overall length with adaptor 30" (78cm)
  • Low profile adaptor for ease of install under cabinets
  • Compatible with Vacpan by Plastiflex (not compatible with Vacusweep)

*Vacpan sold separately

19.95 $CAD

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